RPMI Medium for cell culture

RPMI Medium for cell culture

RPMI 1640, commonly known as RPMI medium, is a versatile cell culture medium with extensive applications across a broad spectrum of mammalian cells. Initially developed at the Roswell Park Memorial Institute by Moore, Gerner, and Franklin in 1966, this medium was specifically formulated for the culture of human leukemic cells. Over time, researchers and commercial suppliers have refined its formulation to enhance its capacity to support the growth of various cell types.

This enriched medium is optimized for culturing non-adherent cell types like lymphocytes and other blood cell lines in suspension cultures. RPMI 1640 is a balanced salt solution based on the RPMI series of media, utilizing a bicarbonate buffering system to maintain a neutral pH. While lacking proteins, lipids, and growth factors necessary for some cell lines, it can be supplemented with fetal bovine serum to meet specific cellular requirements.

RPMI's versatility extends to supporting the growth of diverse mammalian cells, including human lymphocytes, Jurkat cells, HeLa cells, bone marrow cells, hybridomas, and carcinomas. This medium's composition includes essential components like glucose, salts, amino acids, and vitamins crucial for cell growth and proliferation. Its wide applicability makes it a fundamental tool in various research areas such as vaccine development, drug discovery, and cell-based therapies.

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