AccuSignal™ E. coli HCP ELISA Kit

AccuSignal™ E. coli HCP ELISA Kit is a robust sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) designed to detect contaminating E. coli HCPs in therapeutic products throughout their purification processes, including early, mid, late, and final stages. Additionally, it can detect HCPs from both B and K-12 E. coli strains, which are commonly employed in the biomanufacturing of drug substances.

E. coli HCPs from a sample are captured on the AccuSignal™ E. coli HCP ELISA Kit plate, which is coated with pre-immobilized anti-E. coli HCP antibodies. The detection antibodies included in the kit, also anti-E. coli HCP antibodies, are conjugated with Horse Radish Peroxidase (HRP). When exposed to the substrate 3,3’,5,5’-Tetramethylbenzidine (TMB), HRP is activated, leading to a color change that can be quantified using a plate reader set to 450 nm. The resulting optical density (OD) value is directly proportional to the concentration of E. coli HCPs present, which can be determined by interpolating against a Four-Parameter Logistic (4PL) standard calibration curve.


Product characteristics

Limit of Detection (LOD) ≤ 1.0 ng/mL   Precision (Intra-Assay Variability) ≤ 20%
Lower Limit of Quantification (LLOQ) 3.0 ng/mL   Precision (Inter-Assay Variability) ≤ 25%
Range 2.6 – 250.0 ng/mL   Recovery of Each Standard 80-120%


Kit Components

E. coli HCP Antibody-coated 96-well Strip Plate 1 plate   Sample Buffer 50 mL
E. coli HCP Detection Antibody 120 µL   Stop Buffer 20 mL
E. coli HCP Protein Standard 1 µg   TMB Buffer 20 mL
Wash Buffer (10X) 60 mL   Plate Sealer 1 sheet


Product Features

Sensitive antibody enables reliable detection of E. coli HCP

Strong E. coli HCP coverage minimizes the risk of undetected HCP

Wide dynamic range provides confidence in results across a large range of potential concentrations throughout the entire purification process

Consistently low inter- and intra-plate variation ensures reproducible data                                              


Product details 

Cat. No




AccuSignal™ E. coli HCP ELISA Kit
