Antibody Protein Sequencing
Knowing the sequence of your monoclonal antibody is not only the first step towards antibody engineering and function optimization, but also critical for patent application
You provide:
Monoclonal antibody sample (>0.2mg, >95%pure)
We deliver:
- Full sequence of heavy and light chains
- Full sequence coverage by LC-MS/MS
- Comprehensive report
- Raw LC-MS/MS data
Key Benefits
The ability to reconstruct the hybridoma from the monoclonal antibody sample
Accurately determine the CDR regions
Comprehensive analyses to confirm your antibody product, including primary sequence, PTMs, glycosylation and sequence variance.
Service Overview
We offer antibody de novo sequencing service. We directly sequence the antibody protein using multiple enzyme digestion and high resolution LC-MS/MS. Our service guarantees full length sequencing of the heavy and light chains.
Our sequencing process does not require hybridoma, mRNA, or other sequence information. It provides a direct and independent insight into your antibody sample.
Accurate – We guarantee at least 5X coverage of CDRs in the variable regions. Every amino acid in the CDRs is confidently supported by fragment ions in at least five MS2 scans. For isomeric Leu and Ile, we strive to make correct inference from enzyme specificity and statistics in antibody database.
Comprehensive – As an option, we offer comprehensive characterization of the antibody protein. Our service includes the analyses of PTMs, glycosylation, disulphide bridges, contaminants, and other aspects customized to your needs.
Efficient – We use minimal amount of antibody sample (0.2 mg) and deliver results within 15 business days with consistent quality.
Our standard procedure consists of the following steps.
- Digest the antibody protein into overlapping peptides with multiple enzymes.
- Analyze the digestions with LC-MS/MS using a Thermo Orbitrap mass spectrometer.
- Characterize overlapping peptides with de novo peptide sequencing.
- Automated antibody sequence assembly from characterized peptides.
- Result examination and annotation by our scientists.